Time Over Time...

In first year open, 1890, the Elitch family at Elitch's Garden gates.

Mary Elitch at her cottage bungalow, within the Elitch's Gardens parkgrounds.

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Public garden, zoo and theatre,
in 1890, when "Elitch's Zoological Gardens" opened on May 1st 1890 for its first season.

From Mary and John Elitch's magnificent original goal of Garden, Zoo, Theater (and with Picnic and Ball Park)....... to a Renowned American Cultural Destination and labyrinth...

The Elitch's Gardens Team developed a grand Amusement Park, Arcade, Community Gathering Space and National Center for Theater, Music, and Entertainment.

Mary Elitch lived in her cottage within the park grounds until 1932. Elitch's remained open at the 38th and Tennyson location for 105 years until 1995, when it outgrew the space and moved to Downtown Denver.

Many who were here before 95 fell in love with-- and at-- Elitch's Park over the century it was open. Denver children were welcomed and encouraged at Elitch Gardens, and people love it to this day!



In 1901 Mary Elitch leased the park south of Elitch's Gardens, at Manhattan Beach on Sloan's Lake. By this time she had been extremely successful at her namesake park a mile north of Sloan's, and had connected with many industry friends. She oversaw a 2,000 seat concert hall & theater on the shore of Sloan's Lake that was the home of everything from opera to vaudeville to magic acts. Admission was 10 cents to 25 cents. As at Elitch's, she would travel the grounds of Manhattan Beach in a cart drawn by pet ostrich.
Throughout history, the arts have always enjoyed the special patronage of people who sought to elevate the human condition through poetry, music, and the theater. The arts serve as temples to the highest sentiments mankind can express. But arts require sponsorship: champions passionate enough to make service to the arts their life’s work. One such angel was Mary Elitch Long...